
To use bzoinq in a project:

from bzoinq import bzoinq
import datetime

# create a Bzoinq instance (you can see it as a task manager)
a = bzoinq.Bzoinq()

# create a task
a.create_task("Buy Milk", datetime.datetime(2017,3,30, 19,0))

# create a Monitor a pass the task list
b = bzoinq.Monitor(a)  # you need to pass your Bzoinq instance

# start the Monitor (keeps watching for new tasks)

You can now add more tasks and they will sound on the datetime you
define on them

a.create_task() # creates a sample task that will sound right now

# you can also convert a "Y-M-D H:M:S" string
a.create_task("Cook the Turkey", bzoinq.to_datetime("2017-04-07 10:00:00"))

# you may save the tasks on disk for later use if you want to quit
b.stop() # stops monitoring for new tasks

# this saves the tasks in a file that will be loaded when monitor is started

You are not limited to sounds, you can run any function at a given datetime.

# define a function
def f():
    print("Function running")

# define a datetime
my_date = datetime.datetime(2017, 05, 12, 12, 00, 00)

# create a task that stores the function, this one has no sound
a.create_task("My Function", alarm=my_date, sound=False, function=f)

at the given datetime the function will run.

If you need to shut down the computer, remember to save tasks with a.save_tasks().
The saved file will be deleted after it's loaded when you start the program again.